I had lots of fun at KB Toy store in the Woodfield Mall. There were three toys I enjoyed most. This is one. Ha, yes, I have a better one at home. This is another one. This looks like that it will require a more advanced fishing skill than the one at home. Here is the other one. I played this at the same store several weeks ago, and I still love it! Will it be my two years birthday gift? Let's see :)
Due to unstable weather condition recently, I am suffering minor fever after a week long of coughing. We all hope that this big celebration will bring my health back soon!
After a long wait, I finally got in to the story time series held in Evanston Public Library. Today was my first day. I was very excited along with lots of new friends, their parents and a nice teacher. I had a great time and can't wait to go again next week.
After the nice dress up, we went to have lunch at Cheesecake factory at the Old Orchid Mall and had shopping for a little bit there. In the afternoon, we went to the Chicago Botanic Garden and met Pica. The orchid exhibition was very impressive. In the evening, we had dinner at Pica's home.
My best dress of the year A nice ride at the Old Orchid Mall Special Event of Orchids at the Chicago Botanic Garden